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A1. Name

A2. Objectives

A3. Aims

A4. Membership

A5. Executive

A6. Meetings and Elections


1. General Meetings

2. Annual General Meeting

3. Special Closed Meeting



B. League Composition

C. Registration

D. Team Regulations & Selections

E. Player Regulations

F. Referee Regulations

G. Timekeeper Regulation

H. Team Rep Regulations

I. Competition Regulations

J. Regular Season Format

K. Year End Challenge Cup Tournament

L. Discipline

M. Protests and Appeals

N. Publicity & Public Relations

O. Draft Regulations

P. Affiliation

Q. Changes to Bylaws

R. Provincial Health Order - PHO



A. Appendix A: Penalties and Consequences

B. Appendix B: Appeals Procedure



A1. Name: The name of this organization is the ADULT ICE HOCKEY CLUB also known as the AIHC which is owned and operated by City Gate Contracting Ltd. In this constitution, and any attached by-laws, amendments, or appendixes the organization will be identified as AIHC.


A2. Objectives: a) To promote, encourage and govern ice hockey within the boundaries as set down by this constitution. b) To protect the mutual interest of its members. c) To carry out competition for league and tournament play. d) To sponsor and promote such athletic, social and other activity as may be part of the organization. e) To keep all members informed of all aspects of the rules, regulations, league play, schedules, standings and ice facilities through our web page.


A3. Aims: a) To provide the opportunity for every person within the boundaries as set out in this constitution, to play safe, organized ice hockey according to the rules and regulations. b) To play fairly under all circumstances and not take unfair advantage of any opponents, to win modestly and accept defeat gracefully, to give credit to the team that wins and not to question or dispute referees decisions. c) To co-operate and work with the ruling bodies of other organizations within the rules and regulations of the organization and its affiliated associations.


A4. Membership: a) Player Membership shall be composed of only those players who have filled out and signed the game day roster form and have paid their annual player membership dues. A team shall be considered registered once their league fees have been collected as set out in the fee schedule of the AIHC. (There are no refunds available to Teams and or Players registered). The AIHC is owned and operates under its own entity company namely City Gate Contracting Ltd (CGCL). CGCL is covered by third party liability insurance in the amount of $5,000,000 per occurrence (x2). All Teams and Players understand the risk for injury and possibly death that is associated with playing the game of ice hockey and understand that they are taking on all such risks. Players do not have loss of wages, life, dental and or medical insurance through the leagues insurance carrier and are to provide their own policies or take on the risk associated with injury, lost wages and or death and all of the consequences of such events while participating in the Adult Ice Hockey Club. b) Player Membership may also be extended to non-playing individuals who contribute to the social activities of the AIHC. c) Copies of the Constitution and By-Laws are available on-line at the leagues web site



A5. Executive: a) The Executive shall consist of five members who shall in turn appoint team managers to fill the positions required to best represent each team within the AIHC b) Executive meetings shall be called by the League President or upon request of three or more members of the executive. c) The Executive shall meet at intervals that are required to conduct the business of the AIHC d) The Executive shall hold an annual general meeting each year to appoint Team Managers for the following season at this meeting. There shall be no limit to the number of terms held by the Executive. e) Team Managers shall be responsible to collect in all yearly player fees (including fines, sponsor, NSF cheques, etc.) and will deposit these funds into their teams bank chequing account. Team Managers shall be responsible for signing a team contract with the AIHC and will pay yearly team fees based on the current Fee Schedule. Where a player registers through the league directly that players league fee shall be credited towards the teams account that they are placed on. That player then becomes a member of that team. Player fees paid to the league go directly to a Team account,  are NON REFUNDABLE by the League. The League does not refund teams and or players at anytime. Team Managers shall insure that each member of their team plays within the Sportsmanship Policy of the AIHC and the boundaries as set down by this constitution. Team Managers are to insure that each of their team members are listed on the Game Day Roster form (include first and last names, players jersey number, email address and cell or contact number.  Each player in attendance must be listed on the game day roster form and must have signed the Game Day Roster form to be eligible to be on the ice and partake in that game. The game day form must be handed to the off ice official (timekeeper) prior to any player being permitted to participate. No player shall be on the ice surface prior without being listed and having signed the game day roster form.  Players are considered registered members of the league and agree to abide by all of the leagues rules and constitution once they have been listed on the Game Day Roster Form. Team managers are required to  type out their game day roster form with all full time players info and spares if known. Temporary spares who re not typed can be hand written in on occasion. It is League Policy that teams have a typed game day roster form and are not week to week hand scribbling such form. Team Managers must stroke out those players not in attendance as only those players in attendance are to be provided to timekeeper on that games roster. Team Managers who do not have access to excel or need assistance in typing out their players info into the game day roster form can ask AIHC administration for assistance in providing them with a Game Day Roster form in PDF format, provided that they email in a printed team roster with players numbers, first and last names, email addresses and cell numbers. Team Managers shall be responsible to report all team matters, suspensions etc., to the executive and to inform their players of any pending suspension. Team Managers have the right to suspend any of their players who are not adhering to the sportsmanship boundaries as set down by this constitution. f) Team Managers and the AIHC executive have the right to refuse any individual admittance or membership into the AIHC and may remove any individual if necessary due to past and or pending suspensions with other leagues and sports bodies. g) Duties of the Executive shall be as follows: League President: a) Shall preside at all meetings of the AIHC and shall perform all duties as naturally fall within the boundaries of that office. Shall create any committees as deemed necessary for the functioning of the Club. Referee In Chief: a) Shall perform all duties with respect to interpretation of the playing rules, contracting, assigning and paying all on ice and off ice officials.  b) Shall perform such duties as assigned by the League Manager or executive of the AIHC League Manager: a) Shall keep an accurate record of all game sheets, statistics and penalty infractions. b) Shall contract, assign and keep records of the on and off-ice officials. c) Shall notify the League President of any player suspended and shall report any league member who is not adhering to the boundaries as set down by this constitution. d) Shall be the custodian of the equipment and first aid kit, game day computers, music and other documents and instruments belonging to the AIHC.  Rules & Regulation Manager shall notify Referee in Chief regarding any new rule changes and or any team managers with concerns of the executive over rough and edgy play. Social Committee Manager shall plan social events for the league, form subcommittees and in general will be responsible that league wide events are carried out within the boundaries and values of this constitution. 


A6. Meetings and Elections:


1. General Meeting (a) All Team Managers of the AIHC will be notified of the time, date and place by the League Manager or League President seven (7) calendar days in advance of the General Meeting. (b) All members of AIHC shall have the right to forward any complaint and or recommendation to their Team Manager and have their Team Manager present this on their behalf at any AIHC meeting. All Executive meetings are considered special closed and only one representative from each team shall be permitted to attend. Such representative shall have one voting right at the meeting. Team Managers must advise the League President of anyone other then themselves attending any meeting on their behalf. (c) The League Manager shall see to it that discussions during meetings are kept orderly and that no members shall speak until granted permission by the chair. (d) Motions shall be addressed to the chair and no motion shall be discussed or put to a vote without a second being present to this motion. (e) There shall be no further debate or discussion of a motion after the motion has been put to a vote. (f) When a vote is called, it may be taken by. . . (1) a show of hands by the voting members only. (2) a secret ballot by voting members only. (3) a poll vote by voting members only. (g) No amendments or alterations shall be made to any part of the Constitution and/or By-Laws, except at a General Meeting and all General Meetings are considered Closed Meetings, and must have enough team managers present to form a quorum. (h) A notice of any proposed amendments or changes in the Constitution and/or By-Laws must be filed with the League Manager of the AIHC at least ten (10) calendar days prior to a General Meeting. (i) Only executive members of AIHC shall be permitted to attend these meetings. (j) Non executive members can attend the meeting on behalf of their team if they have been appointed to do so by their Team Manager, only when that manager is unable to attend. Only one member per team shall be permitted at any meeting of the AIHC executive.


2. Annual General Meeting (a) Shall be called by the League Manager each year, for the purpose of appointing Team Managers. Team Managers of AIHC shall be appointed by the Executive.


3. Special Closed Meeting (a) Special Closed Meetings of AIHC may be called by the League Manager or shall be called upon the written request of not less than ¾ of the Team Managers of the AIHC Rules of Order at Special Closed Meetings: (a) Check of those in attendance and whether a quorum has been established (b) League President welcome address. (c) Discussion of Agenda (d) Old Business (e) Report of the Referee In Chief (f) Report of the League Managers (g) Report of Social Committee Rep. (h) New Business. (i) Consideration of Constitution, By-Laws and Rules and/or amendments thereof. (j) Good and Welfare of the AIHC (k) Meeting adjourned.




B. The AIHC shall be open to adults who are willing to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner both on and off the ice. All members agree to refrain from using abusive and profane language towards all members including the on and off ice officials, arena staff and further agree to play a sportsmanship brand of recreational ice hockey. Players who do not conduct themselves in the above manner will be subject to suspension and or expulsion. Teams are permitted to card players up to 28 members per team throughout the year (25 PLAYERS & 3 GOALIES). Where a spare goalie outside of (3) carded goalies is needed, Team Manager is to text message League President 604-834-0950 and provide Spare Goalies First & Last Name, Cell Number and Email of Spare Goalie. All Members of the AIHC must be considered mature individuals and must play in the appropriate skill division. For the sake of these bylaws, a player who continually scores at will in a lower division will not be permitted to remain in that division. Adult beginners under the age restriction can apply to play in lower divisions. All under age players must have applied to the League Manager and been approved and or grandfathered into their division, be registered and identified by League President as having a player underage exception. For the sake of this bylaw under age players will be permitted to play in older age categories if they are mature adults and deemed to "fit in" to the play (skill level) to that divisional age group. The purpose of the age rule is to insure that those members enrolling are mature individuals, seeking to play in a sportsmanship environment and are in full agreement with the Leagues mission statement. Players must have played a minimum of (6) league games to be eligible to play in the Challenge Cup year end tournament. Players who spare for another team within the same division during the regular season ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO PLAY IN THE CHALLENGE CUP for teams within their division. They are to play only for their regular season team and not the team they spare for. The only exception to this rule is to a Goaltender. Goalies shall be the only exception to this rule and must be pre approved by League President before being permitted to play in Challenge Cup if they have not played a minimum  of 6 league games in the AIHC . 


C. CGCL doing business as the Adult Ice Hockey Club (AIHC) has a $5,000,000 liability insurance policy. Under the terms of player, registration no member is permitted to enter onto the ice surface for any league game, exhibition and or tournament game without being listed on the game day roster form, with all their information and having signed the game day roster form. Team managers agree to insure that every member of their team has completely filled out and signed the Game Day Roster form prior to any of their players taking to the ice surface and playing in any sanctioned game of the AIHC. No player is permitted on the ice surface without being on the Game Day Roster form (having signed such form) and that form being given to the off ice official (timekeeper). The Zamboni Gates are to be completely shut before any registered member of the AIHC takes to the ice surface 


D. Teams shall be comprised of a maximum of 25 players plus 3 goaltenders (28 maximum). Team Managers are required to pay for their team league fees as per the fee schedule of the AIHC and list all of their players on the League's TeamSnap account including players jersey number, birthdate including month, day, year, their email address and their cell number.  All players listed on TeamSnap and the Game Day roster are considered registered players to that team and have joined the AIHC as to members. Teams may not card more than 28 members unless approved by the executive, which approval shall be solely based on player injuries. Teams shall consist of Recreational Type Hockey Players (no Professional, University Varsity or Semi-Pro Hockey Players) shall be permitted to play in the AIHC without League Executive approval. Team Managers are permitted to forward a challenge to the League Executive on any player who they deem is considered Pro, University Varsity or Semi-Pro.


E. Players shall be monitored for rough play and ejected from games in which they are not adhering to the League’s fair play and sportsmanship first policy. A player who is ejected three (3) times in (1) one season shall receive a (1) game suspension, upon 4th game ejection player shall receive 3 game suspension. If a player is ejected 5 times in one season that player shall be suspended from league play and shall not return to play without a rules committee meeting which shall vote to reinstate player. A 3 in favor of 5 votes will be required for reinstatement. 


Any player incurring (20) Twenty penalty infractions in (1) one season shall receive a (1) one game suspension. Any player incurring (22) Twenty Two penalty infractions in (1) one season shall receive a (2) two game suspension. Any player incurring (24) Twenty Four penalty infractions in one season shall be suspended for the remainder of that year and will be required to be reinstated by the rules committee by a majority vote (3/5) in order to play the following season.


F. Referees will be recruited by the referee in chief. 


G. Time Keepers are to type all players into the digital game sheet that are present on the ice at that game, (TEAM MANAGERS MUST PROVIDE the WEB version of the GAME DAY PLAYER ROSTER form) with all players information typed into the game day roster form and all players at that game are to have signed the form.  This form is to be brought to the off ice official (Timekeeper). The Time keeper shall then transfer data of the teams eligible game day roster form  to the digital game sheet on the leagues laptop. All info must be complete including date of the game , players name their assigned number, email and cell number of each player and each player must sign the Game Day Roster Form.  The digital game sheet shall record all penalty infractions, goals and assists and be saved on laptops hard drive and sent to web master and league President at and within 2 hours of that days last game. Team Managers are to inform their players of pending suspensions where a major penalty, game misconduct, gross misconduct or match penalty has been assessed. Players must where matching jerseys and socks and all players jerseys must be numbered with no two players wearing the same numbered jersey. Players wearing same numbers will NOT BE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE in any Game.


H. Team Managers shall be those elected and approved by the League executive.


I. All teams and their players must compete in a sportsmanlike manner and adhere to all arena regulations and policies as amended from time to time by the arena staff/management and or their ownership. Any player who does not adhere to a sportsmanship first policy will be suspended and may be expelled from the league with no refund available to them. The league will not tolerate rough, edgy  or aggressive play nor poor sportsmanship.


J. Games will be played weekly Monday through Sunday. Teams shall play divisional opponents through random rotations of ice allocation in weekly blocks.Teams may play through a tiering round to help determine divisional re alignment and the League Executive shall be the sole body responsible for determining division brackets for season schedules. The emphasis is to cluster teams in divisions so that divisions are relatively level in competition. Where a division is determined not to be level, further adjustments maybe made by the league executive (at their discretion). Balancing divisions may sometimes take longer as new teams enter league and or teams change players and skill levels change. It is the Executives priority to establish level playing divisions where game scores are close. Where divisions are in balanced the emphasis for team movement will be on leveling competition not over age restrictions.


K. The year-end Tournament Play-off  format shall be round robin divisional clusters of 4, 5 or 6 teams are clustered in a group. The League Manager and League President shall select teams for each tournament cluster based on their review of each teams ability, skill level, goaltending, season stats including goals for and goals against (+/-) and will also consider past game results vs. teams within their conference. The League Manager and League President shall decide the tournament format and clusters on or before January 22 and the Challenge Cup Tournament Schedule shall be posted on-line shortly thereafter. The tournament schedule will be posted at this time so players can get time off work and or plan their family vacations in advance of fall/winter season ending. Where a regular season team is not able to dress a team for the Challenge Cup Tournament, the League has the right to alter the team clusters to insure a playoff can be achieved.


L. All League Suspensions shall be based on AIHC rules and regulations and Arena Policy and Regulations. The executive of the AIHC also hold the right to suspend Teams, Team Managers and individual players that are deemed to be violating the framework of this Constitution and or acting in a manner that violates any part of the AIHC rules, regulations or arena policy. A Fighting Major Penalty is an AUTOMATIC 3 GAME SUSPENSION. Dropping Gloves to challenge someone to a fight is considered an AUTOMATIC FIGHTING MAJOR in the AIHC.


M. Protest and Appeals and Player Reinstatement must be requested to the League Executive along with a $100 fee, must be in writing by email to The $100 fee will go towards the Social Committee's use for League Social Events.


N. The AIHC and its members agree to promote the Goodwill of the Club through out the community by participating in fund raisers deemed worthy by the League Executive. The League executive shall from time to time bring together “community minded purposes” to its members in efforts to promote good public relations and help local events and charities.


O. Players are not permitted to move teams without League Executive Approval. Teams may not sign a player playing on another AIHC roster without the League Executives approval. The League Manager has the right to transfer players from a lower division to a higher division team & visa versa with sole discretion based on player skill level and ability. The sole gauge shall be to support divisional balance.


P. The AIHC plays under the same rules as Canadian Amateur Hockey Association (CAHA) which rules are amended from time to time. The AIHC also has imposed stricter rules on certain infractions and suspensions that are of an aggressive nature and violate the items in this constitution as described in Appendix “A” below.


Q. All changes to the AIHC bylaws shall be those as amended from time to time by the AIHC executive. APPENDIX A: Penalties and Consequences Any player incurring three infractions in one game shall receive a game ejection. Any player incurring three game ejections in one year shall receive a 1 game suspension, 4 game ejections will result in 3 game suspension and 5 game ejections will result in termination from league play eligibility. Any player receiving a major penalty shall be suspended for a minimum of 1 game to a maximum of lifetime suspension based on the league policies and rules and regulations. All Fighting Majors shall incur a 3 game suspension, including where a player drops his gloves to challenge a player to a fight. A major for intentional body checking shall incur a min. of a three (3 game suspension). Any player spitting at any member of the AIHC shall be BANNED FOR LIFE from playing in the AIHC and may be charged in accordance to the law for such action.  Any player incurring 20 infractions in one season shall receive a one game suspension. Any player incurring 22 infractions in one season shall receive a two game suspension. Any player incurring 24 infractions in one season shall be suspended for the remainder of the year and the tournament and will not be able to return to the AIHC unless approved by the League Executive. Any player receiving a match penalty shall be suspended for a minimum of 6 games to a maximum of lifetime suspension. All infractions shall be those identified by the official rule book of CAHA and the following: In the AIHC, a minor penalty shall be assessed to a player who applies his stick from the waist to below the shoulder of an opponent. In the AIHC, NOTE "a double minor penalty" shall be assessed where a player applies his stick above the shoulder of an opponent and no injury results. This is 1 infraction. In the AIHC a major and/or match penalty (at the referee’s discretion) shall be assessed to a player when that player applies his stick to an opponent and an abrasion and or injury occurs.


R. The AIHC and all of its members agree to adhere to all Provincial Health Orders (PHO) issued by the Province of British Columbia and all Federal Government legislative laws and orders. All members will be required to show proof of their identification by way of a drivers license and or passport.


Appendix B:


Appeals Procedure: All appeals/protests must be made in writing and delivered to a League President within 72 hours of suspension/ruling and or end of game which ever shall be the later. A $100 cash fee must be placed upfront to the League. The League Executive will review the appeal and a decision will be made within 14 days. If the League Executive approves an appeal, a meeting will be called within 7 days of the written appeal/protest and a decision shall be rendered within 14 days of appeal. . The $100 fee shall go to the Leagues Social Committee to be used for league social events. The AIHC League Executive has the final say on any appeal and a majority vote of 3/5 in favour must be obtained for any suspension to be over turned or modified. All appeal decisions by the executive are final.  Any further ruling within the League Executive on adding additional suspension time or games shall be solely at the league executives discretion who shall have the full right and power to determine further disciplinary actions. The league executive can and will use its league rules and regulations, rely on referee and timekeepers and  use live camera feeds at all participating arena’s wherever available. Whenever a hearing is held on a player suspension the League Executive will have the final say and at no time shall the player under appeal be permitted to return to play until the League Executive has reinstated them.


League Executive:

Brian Brown, League President

Scot  Shinske, Referee in Chief

Logan Russell, Rules Committee

Derek Peters, Social Committee 

Ashley McKay, League Administrator 




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